Friday, February 5, 2016

EagleEye approaches alpha

I've been working on EagleEye a lot recently with quite a few complete revamps.  It's slowly becoming something that's a productivity boost instead of a bug finding adventure.  With it approaching alpha, I wanted to post a video regarding it in hopes to spur up some interest.

The main features of EagleEye are:
  • Easy rapid prototyping and development of new processing nodes via runtime recompilation of source code.
  • Easy saving of collections of processing nodes and settings into a human readable yml format.
  • Permissive license.  I don't care what you do with it, I just hope that you contribute back.
  • Plugin integration with other libraries.  Plugins for gstreamer rtsp server, SLAM, vtk based rendering, QCustomPlot plotting, caffe neural network classification.
  • Builtin profiling with remotery.